Wipeout all the Blood-Sucking External Parasites

In poultry, the birds are often attacked by wingless blood-sucking external parasites or ectoparasites.
They are of two types: insects and non-insects.
Bedbugs and fleas are insects that attack human beings as well. Non-insects include mites and ticks.
Most external parasites produce similar results: weight loss or slow growth, reduced egg production, and aesthetic damage to meat birds.
Serious infestations may cause death, particularly to young birds. Some parasites carry diseases from one bird to another.


The mites are very tiny speck-like non-insect external parasites (class Arachnida) with eight legs in the adult stage. Mostly, the mites emerge from their hiding places, especially the silken webbings they make on the cages, and attack the birds in innumerable numbers before returning to the hideouts. Some mites are always seen on the birds. The blood-filled mites are reddish in colour. They cause anaemia and reduction in egg production in addition to disease transmission. As they take shelter in the structural webbings and birds’ feathers, they are very difficult to control with sprays. However, they get controlled with systemic feed supplements.


The bedbugs (Cimex spp.) are difficult-to-control external parasites which spend most of their life cycle away from the birds. Their young ones (nymphs) and adults visit the birds especially at night after the lights are switched off and suck the blood, leading to restlessness, blood loss, weight loss, anaemia, and significant reduction in egg production. After feeding on the blood of the birds, the bedbugs either return to the hiding places such as cracks and crevices of the infrastructure or fall down to reach and hide in the dry manures and the columnar structures of the poultry shed. This behaviour makes it difficult to control them with sprays. Thus bedbugs require such integrated and systemic control measures as feed supplements.


The ticks are also non-insect external parasites (class Arachnida) with 8 legs in the adult stage. Most mites attack the birds especially at night as they emerge from the hiding sites in the litter and other structures. However, very young ticks remain on the birds always. Similar to the bedbugs, the ticks are also large external parasites leading to ruffled feathers, blood loss and reduction in egg production. They can cause paralysis and transmit diseases as well. They are also more vulnerable to systemic feed supplements than sprays.


Compared to bedbugs, the fleas (Siphonaptera) are minor external parasitic insects that are capable of jumping which makes it difficult to control with insecticide sprays. They complete their life cycle in the litter. As they also visit the birds only to suck the blood, systemic feed supplements are also effective against the fleas.


mX is a combination of extracts constituted from the naturally available Allium sativum, Citrus paradisi, Curcuma longa, Glycine max , Medicago sativa, Ocimum basillicum and Piper nigrum.

Mode of action

mX is a mixture of extracts with a systemic action. That is once taken by the birds in the form of medicated water drops, mX reaches the bird's skin where it gets deposited. When the blood-sucking external parasites feed on these medicated skin, they stop feeding and get killed from the systemic action of mX before dropping off the birds.


For PoultryDosage per 1000 birds
Layers100 ml
BreedersGrowers : 150 - 200 ml
Females : 250 ml
Males : 300 ml

Method of administering mX

Generally, all the medications are administered to the birds through a special mixing tank (medication tank) available on the farm. The same tank has to be used for this purpose too.

First, calculate the right dosage of mX as follows:
  • For example, If there are 10,000 layers at laying stage, the required quantity of mX liquid is 1.0 litre.
  • Usually, 10,000 birds drink approximately 3000 litres of water in a day.
  • However, the required dose of 1.0 litre mX medication should be mixed in 1500 litres of water. Therefore, this dosage needs to be calculated according to the medication tank size.
  • For example, if the medication tank is of 500 litre capacity, then prepare a stock solution by mixing one-third of the dose or 330 ml of mX in 20 litre of water before it is added to the 500 litre of water in the tank and mixed thoroughly.
  • Once this 500 litre medicated water is fully consumed by the birds, another 330 ml of mX has to be mixed in yet another 500 litres of water as above. And the balance 340 ml of mX has to be mixed in 500 liters of water for the third time in the same way.
  • The above method ensures that the medicated water is administered in 8 -12 hours in a treatment day.
  • Never give the unmedicated normal water while mX medication is being administered as above.
  • Repeat the above procedure of mX medication after 7 days as the second round.

Contact Us

  • Greens Agrovet
  • #6, Sivashankaran Street, Rajaji Nagar, Pallavaram, Chennai - 600043, Tamil Nadu
  • greensagrovet@gmail.com
  • +91 77083 06087
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